Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Jamie posted at 5:08 AM

First knitting class today and frankly, it was a total disaster. Still didn't manage to pick up the skill yet, afterall I am still a beginner. Well, spent hours there at the shop, trying to master the skill. I guess I really need more practising. My wool got all tangled up. It's a pretty baby pink colour which I simply adore! :D Don't give up, Jamie!
It's been so long since I ate donuts. It's either donut factory or munchy donuts for me. Missy donuts don't taste that well. I want to eat donuts!
That's it for nw. Ciao!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Jamie posted at 4:44 AM

Just watched Stardust today. It was fab. Romantic! A sweet and happy ending. Yay! I love movies with happy endings. And, did I mention I love Charlie Cox [Tristan]. He's cuteeeeee! :D

Seriously, I don't mind watching it a second time. It's just sooooo nice! For all those peeps out there who have not catch this movie, go watch it! It's really, really nice. Am I being convincing enough?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Jamie posted at 6:09 AM

Today was a pretty boring day. Chilled at home and played The Sims 2 on ps2 for hours followed by tv, tv and more tv. So happy that I am finally watching Stardust tmrw! :D
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Jamie posted at 4:31 AM

I just finished Confessions! Waited for such a long time for this book to be available at the library and when it finally appears, I made a reservation immediately! Haha. Too anxious to read it. I'll waited so, so long! Read it straight away when I got home and finish it at night. I'm a fast reader, especially Kate Brian books. Definitely reading a second time though. Can't wait to get my hands on the next one, Inner Circle.

I strongly urged all others out there to read the Private series by Kate Brian. It's super nice! If you like gossip girl or chick lits, you will surely be addicted to this. On a different note, I still have not catch any movie this hol. Hmms... I want to watch Game Plan and Stardust. Stardust sure looks nice to me!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Jamie posted at 7:57 AM

Did you ever stop, look back to the past and wish that you could go back in time? Well, I did. Most of the time. It's impossible, I knew that of course. But I just can't help wishing and hoping.
Btw, it's my bro's bdae today so...