my results for mid years sucks. big time. i screwed up my maths and geo paper totally. dreads. it seems lyk everyone else's doing much better than me. arghhhhhhhhh! im so pissed. :(
anyways, mum gotta go and meet the teacher cos of my terrible results. but, i aint the only one. thank god. practically everyone's in 3E4 hav to go and c the teacher! god damnit. my class's a total wreck indeed.
FAMILY DAY in 4 days! can hardly wait. didnt went last year's so kinda forgotten how's its lyk. sure hope that my class will be able to earn lots! :DDD
hols are coming. definitely gna do sm shopping with frens and mum. movie too. wanna watch shrek 3! just hope that there wont be alot of hmwork or projects during e hols. that really sucks, man. have to do sm studying during the hols as well. have to really catch up. results have been slipping alot lately. :(
it feels so awful when u are not close to the whole class and gets left out.
it's been such a long time since i'll blog. there's smthing wrong with blogger a few days ago. :(
Friday 11May
went to watch spiderman 3 with cheryl and annie. the movie is great. absolutely love it. it's funny at sm parts and exciting at others. wonder if there's gna be a spiderman 4... anyways, im so in love with JAMES FRANCO!! he's so cute! :DDD

absolute hotness.
Monday 14May
it's the shopaholic manifestation, babyy!
went shopping all day. bugis, orchard. shopped, ate, arcade, neos. fun. fun. fun. simply adores shopping! im a crazy shopaholic.
I seriously, seriously need to study. Cant seem to settle my mind down, kept thinking abt other stuff. Arghhhh!! There's ss and eng oral on monday. And i havent studied anything yet. Think i hav to study for lyk 2h at night. Really hate exams. They drive me nuts. :(
Im so loving dangly earrings at the moment. Beads of lav is so cool. I loveeeeee earrings! :D