Sunday, October 29, 2006
Jamie posted at 2:02 AM

Back from Sec 2 Camp, which was simply GREAT! With the best trainers i cud wish for. DADDY. MUMMY. Love dem. They somehow brightened up e whole camp. The camp activities was great. The food served was alrite but others seemed to diss it alot. Anyways, im not so picky abt food. I can eat absolutely anything and everything. Lols. The only bad part was our shower time. Its real short lik 3 mins and we hav to bathe with 3 ppl in each cubicle. Wtf. The place we slept in sucks too, with lots of ants! Argh! Woke up to ant bites all over my body.
Did i mention tt we are very near to the sea and could view e beautiful scenery frm where we sleep. I so adore the sound of crashing waves. So peaceful. So calming. The camp was quite fun and i think i enjoyed it.
Earrings! Gonna buy more soon.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Jamie posted at 7:17 AM

Its jus 3 more days to the Sec 2 Camp! Im feelin pretty weird abt it. Mixed feelins i guess. At this point in time, there's jus one word to describe me. Weird. Yeah.
Damn! I'll be missing 2 episodes of princess hours, 2 episodes of bleach and my project runway! Sobs. Isit worth it? Im not sure at all. Let's see if the camp is worth missin my fav shows. Certainly hope so.
By the way, full house totally rocks! Am falling head over heels with Rain! Lol. Been watchin lots of Korean dramas lately, full house, princess hours, sad love story... I think im obsesse with dem. Whatever. It may be a good thing. How u may ask? Am so not revealin it.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Jamie posted at 7:23 AM

Today has been a pretty awful day. Totally awful. And im feelin pretty awful myself. I suppose its partially cos of my terrible results. Ok, not tt terrible.. But still, my maths!! OMG! I totally flunked it. I think i really disappoint many ppl lik my bro who really spent lots of time teachin me and oso my maths mentor in sch. Signs. I didnt even know how i gt e mood to even blog here, right nw. It had been real terrible. Thinkin abt Daniel's song, Bad Day. I think it totally suits my emotions ryt nw.
Ok, im endin my blog entry for nw. Despite tt i really wan to blog more to vent all my frustration and mixed feelins out. Yeah, lik is even possible.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Jamie posted at 12:00 AM

Me, Eileen and others celebrated Mid Autumn Festival yesterday and its tons and tons of endless fun! We kick start at around 8pm and have fun till abt 11pm. There's mooncakes, chinese tea, candles, lanterns and even a BBQ goin on. Perhaps u are wonderin where did all these took place, its all happening at my hse downstairs! LOL. There's lots and lots of tasty food lik BBQ chicken wings, BBQ squids, fries, onion rings, fizzy drinks and MOONCAKES! Endless fun and laughter.
It's such a happy occasion yesterday, really. We really have fun playin with boxes after boxes of candles, tryin to make a nice design out of dem. Which i suppose is kinda successful. Me and Eileen walked round with lanterns too and accordin to a guy, its romantic? Weird.
Aniways, there's fun and laughter all mixed together in the joyous occasion of Mid Autumn Festival!
Im soooooo happy! :)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Jamie posted at 10:38 PM

OMG! It's just 3 more days to the examinations!! Am so freaked out! Not that i hav not been studyin though, i hav been revisin my geography and science. But maths...Not too confident abt that particular subject that i simply hates. Maths Paper 1 is on next tuesday which is lik sooooo fast! There's lots to study for science, Ecology, Atoms n Molecules, Electricity...Lots!
I suppose i wont be bloggin often nowadays. There's hardly enough time for study let alone leisure. I guess its all abt studyin n revisin right now! :)