Friday, June 30, 2006
Jamie posted at 6:25 AM

Yay~ness! Today's the long awaited friday! And there's 3 days of break! No sch, no lessons but there's homework. A not so good news though. In any case, i dun really mind. At least, there's something to do over the break. Or else, i will feel uneasy also. Ok, so Monday, is the Youth Day and it's a day specially for youths, ppl like me!! I goin to relax, chill out abit. Enjoy life on that very special day. Tuesday is gonna be back to school, lessons again. Sobs. But still, i hav to really catch up on my maths. I really must. My maths has been falling apart. And when it' s falling apart, it's almost the end. This reminds me of The Veronicas's song, When It Falls Apart! That's my fav song of all time!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Jamie posted at 3:50 AM

A wise man overlooks an insult but a fool shows annoyance at one. A wise and meaningful quote which suits me extremely well. Yeah, i will be the wise man and just ignore an insult. I wrote this quote in my notebook, in my file, almost everywhere. Just lookin at it keeps me calm and makes me forget all the mean, hurtful comments of others. But of cuz, it is only temporary. Anger and sadness will always exists though. Alas. Still i wud like to thank my good fren Ezzati for sharin this quote with me. At least, it helps to keep my cool.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Jamie posted at 12:01 AM

Oh well, after weeks of hols, it's back to school tommorrow. Sobs. I was hoping for a longer hols. Time flies rather fast, it seems as though the hols is over in a flash. Ok, so there's sch tmrw and i dun reali hate it. It's just that i reali dun wish to see some ppl. Yehh, ppl who know me very well will know wat i meant. Just picturing their images makes me feel sick. Real sick. Enough abt those sickenin stuff, im just packin my bag and organisin all my stuff. I hope to have a fresh start tmrw. Gonna work real hard from nw on! Gotta reali tak some action instead of plain talk. I must reali start payin 100% attention to lessons especially to Maths lessons. My maths sucks. And i muz reali voice out comments/queries abt stuff tt i do not understand!! Ask. Ask. Ask to get answers for my questions. Ok, i will tune in to bed earlier tonight. I reali muz get enough sleep in order to be able to wake up in the morning.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Jamie posted at 11:55 PM

I changed my blogskin again, this time to a totally pink one and i simple love it!! I'll been changing my blogskin so frequently, i dun even know how many i'll changed. But i truely love this skin this time, though.. Princess like with pink as the primary colour. Pink is my favourite colour by the way, if u dun hav a clue. Im totally pinkified. Yehh, tt's uniquely me! So, i changed my blogskin and i sure hope i won't be changing it again for some time. I reali adore this skin. Ok, enough abt all these blog stuff.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Jamie posted at 11:56 PM

Woke up at 9am today, wash up and have a yummy breakfast. After bathing, i went to central's popular to buy stationary and project materials. I supposed i went there a little too early and popular is not even open yet! And so, i waited there like what seems very long to me. Bought a coloured board and a couple of markers and pens.
I went to Eileen's house at about 12noon and asked her if she could help me to decorate my project again (she's damn artistic). And she said yes! So nice of her right? Then, i rush back home to finish the project and did some maths. And i went to her house again at about 4pm bringing the board along. Did more maths later in the night and watch tv. Was real tired by then.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Jamie posted at 12:00 AM

Watch Aquamarine again today, it's soooo nice and romantic. I did not like the ending though, i was kinda hoping aqua will be together with the hot guy. But, all well, that's how the movie goes. This movie gets a A in my book. I love it to bits. Other movies which is my fav are mean girls, a cinderella story... i so wanted to watch She's The Man but didnt. I heard its nice though. I guess it as well, Amanda Bynes is a great actor. Pretty with good acting techniques.